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Precision Agriculture

You're probably asking yourself, "What is precision agriculture?", "Should I be doing this?"  The answer is most definitely, YES!!  Precision agriculture is just how it sounds, providing ag precision to your farm.  The more you, the farmer, are more detailed about your farm plans, including management, inventory, applications, equipment, etc., the better you will be able to understand what all is involved in precision agriculture.  Soil




sampling is certainly involved with precision agriculture.  Your fields are constantly changing and need to be updated accordingly.  For example, maybe you haven’t had a chance to tile a field yet and you have a 5 acre pond sitting right in the middle of your 200 acre field.  Right now you’re including those 5 acres of pond in your tillable acreage, causing you to buy more products, and essentially having extra inventory of products from over-ordering.  No problem, we can fix it.  When we sample the field, we exclude parts of the field that are non-tillable acreage and update the field boundary for you.  This will provide you with accurate tillable acres for your field to save you money on ordering products.  Another example is maybe the owners of one of the fields you rent said you could farm the 3 acres of extra yard they have.  Maybe 3 acres isn’t a lot of ground, but still its 3 acres that you have to account for in your tillable acreage to have accurate information for ordering products.  Again, we will update the field boundary and include the additional 3 acres in the total of your tillable acreage. 

Soil sampling is also involved with precision agriculture in another way.  When we soil sample, we use GPS sampling.  This involves a GPS device recording where exactly we take soil samples when we are out sampling the field.  Then the next time we sample that field (whatever your rotations are), we can take the samples exactly from the same spot we sampled before.  This gives you, the farmer, very accurate results in how your soils have changed from previous applications, if at all.

Defining management zones within a field is paramount in precision agriculture and soil sampling.  Management zones are the base of the every soil map.  For example, if you have a 50 acre field, we can break up that field into 5 acre management zones, giving you 10 zones to manage within the field.  Keeping track of management zones and will help create records of your farm year after year.

Precision agriculture is a set of technology that has helped to propel agriculture into the computerized information based world.  It is designed to help farmers get a greater control over the management of their farm operations.  This

technology is thought to be a production risk management instrument because of its potential to spatially reduce yield variability within the field through variable rate application of nutrients.  In this new method of farming, new technologies can be used to make better decision on many aspects of crop production.  Precision farming involves looking at the increased efficiency that can be realized by understanding and dealing with the natural variability within the field.  The aim is not obtain the same yield everywhere, but to manage and distribute inputs on a site-specific basis to maximize long-term benefits.

     Precision farming is different from traditional farming, for instance, in precision farming, farmers break fields into management zones, based on factors such as the soil type, soil PH, pest infestation, yield rates among others that affect crop production.  Tradition farming uses the whole farm approach where the whole farm is treated as a homogeneous area.  Decision-making is based on field averages and inputs are applied uniformly across the field.

     There are many benefits of precision agriculture, these includes reduced costs and efficient use of production inputs.  Application of exact quantities and at the appropriate time reduces the cost of agrochemical inputs.  Additionally, the overall high yield reduces the cost per unit of output.  Another benefit of precision agriculture is that the advanced technologies that includes machinery, information and tools, that help the farmers to increase the efficiency of land and labor.  Timely and accurate application of agrochemicals avoids excessive residue in soils and water, thereby reducing environmental pollution.

      The precise selection of crop varieties, the application of the exact doses of fertilizers herbicides and pesticides, and appropriate irrigation ensures optimum growth and development of crops.  This leads to increase in yield especially in fields where uniform crop management tools were practiced.  Agricultural equipment, tools and machinery help the farmers to obtain accurate information that is processed and analyzed for proper decision making, in terms of seeding fertilizer, land preparation herbicide and pesticide application irrigation and post-production activities.  Farmers can also accumulate knowledge regarding their production systems and farms to achieve better management, since all field activities produce valuable information and the data is stored in tools and computers.  

     From the farmers’ perspective, precision agriculture is driven by the returns, but in many cases, a site-specific management zones provide a positive environment impact.  Reduced or targeted application of inputs such as pesticides, nutrients and water irrigation improves soil and water quality.  Precision agriculture can also reduce soil compaction and erosion where equipment travels in the field.  Precision farming recognizes site-specific differences in the fields and adjusts management actions accordingly instead of managing an entire field based upon hypothetical averages, which may not exist in the field.  Farmers are aware that their fields have variable yields across the landscape. These variations can be traced to soil properties, environmental characteristics and management practices.


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